Our Achievements
Our Achievements
MOE Service Excellence Award (MSEA)
The MOE Service Excellence Award (MSEA) recognises MOE staff who are passionate in their service delivery, consistently serve internal and external customers with C.A.R.E. (Courtesy, Accessibility, Responsiveness and Effectiveness), and inspire their colleagues to do likewise.
We are proud to present 4 of our teachers who have received the award.

Civil Service Long Service Award
The Civil Service Long Service recognises teachers who have completed 5, 10, 20, 30 and 40 years of continuous service.

MOE Outstanding Contribution Award (Individual)
The Outstanding Contribution Awards (OCA) are given by MOE in recognition of significant value-added contributions by staff who have made an impact on the school.
Outstanding Mother Tongue Language Symposium 2023
We would like to extend our congratulations to Cikgu Siti Raudhah for achieving the Merit Award for the Outstanding Preschool Mother Tongue Language Award 2023.
The award recognises pre-school teachers for their passion in making the learning of MTLs interesting and in nurturing a love for languages among pre-school children.

National Awards - The COVID-19 Resilience Medal
The National Awards (COVID-19) recognise individuals and teams who have made outstanding contributions to Singapore’s fight during the COVID-19 pandemic. Our heartiest congratulations to our Deputy Centre Head, Ms Arlene Tan for receiving the award.

ECDA Training Award
The Early Childhood Development Agency (ECDA) offers a range of Scholarships and Training Awards that support potential and existing Early Childhood educators in their professional development journey.
MOE Training Sponsorship
2022 MOE Innergy and Outstanding Innovator Awards
Congratulations to the K1 English teachers in MK@Fernvale for getting the commendation award for the 2022 MOE Innergy and Outstanding Innovator Awards. The teachers worked on strategies to enhance children's numeracy experience through motor skills activities.