Infocomm Club (Media)
Infocomm Club (Media)
Our Vision
To enable a community that is constantly learning about digital media literacy.
Our Mission
To enlighten, understand and improve the students’ skills in communication in the digital media world.
Our Aim
We aim to spark a passion for photography, videography and creative designing. We extend students’ learning by engaging them in workshops and in competitions to gain greater exposure. Students will be trained to use high-end equipment such as DSLRs and software to enhance post-production of their works. Students are involved in most major school events.
Day | Time | Venue |
Monday | 2pm - 4pm | Teaching Lab |
Name | Email Address |
Mdm Siti Erliasari Binte Haroon (OIC) | |
Mr Muhammad Ridzuan Bin Osman | |
Our Success
2024 STEM Playground Challenge
How Far Reel it Move? (Cotton Reel Tank)
Credits: FVPS Media Club
2023: MOE OSOS – Best Photo Story
Theme: Our School Community
The Heart and Future of Our Community
“We have a team of caring and dedicated staff. They go the extra mile to help our students discover their strengths and interests,” says our Principal, Mr Enoch Lau.
Mr Lau is a sports enthusiast and an Arsenal fan. He inspires us to excel and learn new skills beyond the classroom. Mr Kevin Patt, Vice Principal, is a skillful photographer who shares his talent with us and guides us to discover our strengths. Our librarian, Ms Azura, goes the extra mile to teach us to be responsible individuals. Our security officer, Mdm Lee Geok Lan, is always vigilant and helps to create a safe environment for us. Together, we build a strong school community in Fernvale Primary.
Credits to: Ng Ray Hong, Alexis Tan Le Xin, Lee Ci Ling Chloe<p></p>
2022: MOE OSOS – Honourable Mention
Theme: United As One
Fernvale Lion - A Reminder of Our School Values
This year, we unite as one to make a lion our mascot. First, we traced out the body and the mane on felt cloth. Next, we cut out the parts. We sewed the pieces together and pasted on the lion’s eyes and paws. Then we stuffed the lion with cotton wool and tied it as a keychain on our school bag. Each lion represents different core values of Fernvale Primary such as Care, Joy, Responsibility, Integrity, Graciousness, and Resilience. Our goal is to realize the values, make them our virtues, by living them in our daily lives on a regular basis.
Credits to: Teo Qiao Tian, Musfirah Binti Md Idrus, Jasmeera Farveen Binte Abdul Wahid
2022 OSOS – Best Video
Theme: What I Go To School For?
Credits to - Pek Qian Sheng, Charlotte M Tang Pei Ling, Nur Elly Marlisya Binte Syarul Askin
2021: OSOS - Best Photo Story | ||
Theme: United As One Keep your distance – not forever, just for now The effects of the Covid-19 pandemic have caused massive changes to our daily lives, forcing us to adjust to our new normal. Wearing a mask is now must! Keeping our distance helps us stay safe and healthy. |
Credits to - Tirunagari Visisht, Charlene Goh Wei Fang, Koh Kai Xin Alicia |
2021 OSOS – Best Photo Story
Theme: United As One
Keep your distance - not forever, just for now
The effects of the Covid-19 pandemic have caused massive changes to our daily lives, forcing us to adjust to our new normal. Wearing a mask is now must! Keeping our distance helps us stay safe and healthy.
Credits to: Tirunagari Visisht, Charlene Goh Wei Fang, Koh Kai Xin Alicia
2021 OSOS – Video Contest (Honourable Mention)
Theme: What Makes our school special?
Credits to - Soh Jia Xuan, Gilian, Charlotte M Tang Pei Ling
2020: MOE OSOS – Best Photo Story
Theme: Priceless Moments
From Old Wooden Pallets to New Furniture
Credits to: Cruz John Davidson Pascua, Carmen Liew Kai Xin, Hridik Paldiwal